My Secrets to Creating Enchanting Eye-Catching Visual Content
You know that feeling when your scrolling through another blogger’s Instagram profile and you think to yourself: “Ouff, how does she take such amazing, effortless looking photographs, while it takes me hours to reach just one reasonable one!”
and you don’t understand how others manage to produce content at such a high level – the kind that seems to have been taken from a magazine and produced by a minimum of ten people … You'd like to get the same results, but how? Maybe they have something you don't have?
- Tired of being unhappy with your images - looking at the photos you take, they don’t seem good enough to you even though you were completely invested in the photoshoot.
- You’re unhappy with the way your images look but you’re not sure why - you can’t exactly put your finger on it, but something is missing, and you just can’t seem to be able to realize your vision.
- You’d like to begin collaborating with brands you love, but the ones you dream of working with disregard your emails and don’t pay much attention to your brand.
- The endless amount of information online is more confusing than not, and you have no idea how to implement any of that info in your photographing process - you’re tired of spending day after day searching for online guides and applying techniques and strategies that are detached from each other, just to * maybe * find something that works for you.
At first, I was totally clueless! I’d spend whole days on shoots only to find out how different my visuals turned out than what I was hoping for. And I’m not talking about the ones you see in my first blog posts, those are the ones that somehow passed. (Can you imagine how terrible the other ones were…)
There's been a lot of water under the bridge since….
Today, I take and edit my own photographs, I am constantly receiving proposals for sponsored Instagram posts (and can afford to ask for a higher price thanks to special images) and I also create visual content for a growing clientele in Israel and abroad, including luxury hotels around the world, jewelry business, and various lifestyle products.
Imagine that…
A successful image is not just created by clicking the camera's button, and it doesn’t only depend on your understanding and application of the principles of photography…
The great part about creating an amazing image is actually all the work that goes into it – choosing the right angles, assembling interesting, colorful compositions, successful styling, and of course – editing the image after the shoot. Only when you view a picture as the whole of these aspects, can you create an amazing eye-catching image.

when we can do it together?
My name is Tamar Leibovitz Golan, blogger and owner of HEDONISTIT, and I designed The Blogger’s Photobooth for ambitious entrepreneurs like you!
When I was thinking about what online course I would like to put together, I noticed a recurring theme in the messages I received in my inbox and social networks – all of them consisted of questions about how I shoot and edit my photos in a way that makes them so aesthetic and successful, and as soon as I opened my personal consulting services, I received even more inquiries for personal advice on this very issue.
I realized that my community, which consists mostly of stylish bloggers and entrepreneurs, struggles to produce visual content, which in this day and age is the bread and butter of every online business.
Meanwhile, my blog traffic has risen by ten percent, my newsletter sign-up nearly doubled, I’ve taken countless pictures for my blog and brand, as well as many other brands and companies in Israel and abroad, and my revenue has grown amazingly… and one of the main things that created these opportunities for me Is the visual content I created and shared online.
So, when it came time to decide what kind of online course I would like to create, I knew that photography and photo editing was exactly what my community needed. This is why I decided to combine all my knowledge, tips, techniques and secrets into one fun, essential course that can help you be the photographer you dream of becoming, no matter what camera you use!
The Blogger’s Photo Booth is an entire course designed to teach you how to create eye-catching visual content. During the course, I will also teach you how to find your own photography style, brand your photos according to your business, do amazing styling for your photos, use the Lightroom software to edit your photos as a professional and much more.
If you’re ready to take your images to the next step and want to learn my greatest tips and tricks I use for shooting and editing my images, click the button below to sign up!
Think how much money you can save by not having to hire a photographer to shoot your products! Not only will you save lots of money, but you will finally gain complete control over the images representing your business on your site, social networks, and any other platform you want to market your business through.
The better the content you create, the more businesses and companies will want to advertise and market their product on your blog and social media. Thanks to the photos I take, I keep getting proposals for sponsored Instagram posts (and can afford to ask for a higher price because I know my content is of higher quality than a lot of other Instagram users.
Creating visual content for brands is a very profitable business!
In The Photo Booth course, I teach the exact method by which I create visual content for small and large businesses all over the world – so you can live the dream, too.
and for those who have already experienced photography and editing but feel incapable of bringing the desired magic into their pictures. Each chapter in The Photo booth is based on the material studied in the preceding chapters, so you can be sure that this course will give you the best results in the shortest possible amount of time. The course is designed with the assumption that its users need not know anything about the subject beforehand, and explanations are provided every step of the way.
I was really debating whether or not I should purchase the course. For several days I read the materials, the syllabus, the content, over and over again, and couldn't make my decision. On the one hand – I am not the best photographer by definition, I am an amateur photographer with a good eye and my partner’s old camera, light years away from taking pictures that will pass my own approval and be uploaded to my feed or website. In terms of photo editing – forget it! I’m NOT there and have never edited a photo beyond free iPhone apps. On the other hand – after spending a significant amount of money on product photography and marketing for my business, I realized I had no choice but to do it myself. Considering my economic state but also and primarily because I wanted to take control of this field, and not be dependant on others when it comes to photography. I reached a point where I was rejecting writing new blog posts because I knew I didn’t have the adequate photography skills. I am just about done with the course and I feel that I have received practical knowledge in the most aesthetically pleasing (pink! 🙂 way correctly divided into chapters and subchapters and accompanied by lots of pictures that complement the writing. At the end of each section there are written homework exercises and at the end of each chapter there is a concluding test, so I always felt that I was 100% covered in terms of learning and understanding the material.

You managed to get into the head of someone who has no knowledge in the field and cover everything from A to Z, and the results accordingly. Personally, I was interested in refreshing my knowledge from a previous course, and I came out with a lot of new knowledge in both photography and editing. The fact that you can always return to the materials and the course content has no expiration date is really comforting, it is also fun to refresh your knowledge and review techniques that need strengthening. I heartily recommend this course to anyone to anyone who wants to develop their knowledge in the field!

Thanks to the course, my photography has wonderfully improved, I learned a lot of new tricks, and the thing that mattered most to me – I learned to edit like a pro in Lightroom (and now I also realize how unfamiliar with the software I was before!). So, thanks to the amazing Tamar for the even more amazing course!

I joined the course’s second registration and it was after a long period of waiting for registration to open. That entire time, I went over your blog and tutorials, and when registration opened I didn’t think twice and immediately purchased your course, without any deliberations (and I have to note that I wasn’t in the most financially solvent situation at the time!)
I must admit that the course’s content exceeded my expectations by countless degrees and I enjoy sitting and relearning them each time, seeing the results whenever I have a bit of spare time to pick up the camera and take some snapshots, or edit using Lightroom!
To put it briefly, if anyone is deliberating I happily recommend this course, speaking from personal experience!

I’m a professional makeup artist, and the only way for me to market my business is through photographing and editing photos of clients. Every time I picked up a camera I wasn’t sure which angles were best for a shot, or how to approach the matter at all. When I reviewed the pictures at the end of a photoshoot I wasn’t at all pleased with the results, even though I felt I had the potential to improve my photographic skills – I just didn’t know where to start.
The Photo Booth course exceeded any and all expectations! The course’s content, the way it’s presented, the precise aesthetics that only Tamar has, and Tamar’s and Daniel’s willingness to get involved and assist in any way they could, on the course participants’ Facebook group – all these led me to understand that the moment I joined the course, I would be in safe and good hands, with real care that doesn’t exist in any other course on the Internet.
The change in my photography and editing abilities was simply enormous after the course. I’m also receiving positive feedback from my environment and feel that my confidence in the field has increased substantially. I’m not afraid of picking up a camera anymore, and most importantly – I feel the course granted me a lot of confidence and motivation at a time when I really needed it.
I received incredible amounts of practical knowledge from the course, and now I feel secure and that I’ve gathered enough knowledge. I’m full of motivation and feel I have the tools to develop my business in the direction I’d always dreamed of.

About a year ago I decided to change directions and open an independent business for event design, which included two very important loves of mine – flowers and design, so the connection was natural.
After a few events I realized that, no matter how beautiful the design and flowers were – if the photos were mediocre, all that beauty just wouldn’t be communicated. I realized that in order to elevate my new business properly I needed visual content that was nothing short of excellent and eye-catching.
The course’s content is highly focused, comprehensive, detailed and concise at the same time… ultimately, it’s just an excellent course! My photography and editing skills greatly improved, without a doubt, and my visual content, which is the basis of my whole business, was significantly strengthened and as a result I’m getting more calls from clients!

I always loved taking and being in pictures, and ever since I decided to open my Instagram page, a year ago, I knew I wanted to improve my pictures and learn what is the right way to use a camera and Lightroom, once and for all.
There’s a lot of information on these subjects from a lot of different sources – most were boring, pretty generic, unappealing and mainly unfocused. Thanks to the course I (finally) had an easier time understanding all the technical aspects of photography I once thought were the gospel truth. I realized it wasn’t at all as hard as I’d thought, but totally related to how the material is taught.
I gained a better understanding of the world of photography, it’s terms, how to create an “aesthetic” in photos, how to really work with the camera in a professional manner that will produce pictures of the highest quality and visibility.
I recommend the course to anyone who wants to enter into this world, improve their photography and editing skills, and isn’t sure where to start.

I was afraid that I hadn’t been cut from the cloth of a real photographer, that I wouldn’t know how to apply the material, and especially create original content. To my joy, I turned out to be completely in the wrong, beyond the technical content about the camera and Lightroom… I discovered all the secrets of every photographer and blogger that I couldn’t ever have found elsewhere, in such an honest and real form, far beyond my expectations!
For example, the bonus of developing a completely unique photography style opened my mind and made me understand how to do so correctly. Beyond the professional content I acquired during the lessons, I also received a lot of confidence in my abilities, my unique qualities, and that was a huge gift for me.
Thanks to the course, I opened a photography and media management business with the goal of creating unique visual content for business owners, out of a passion to create content that would inspire people. I’m as proud as can be when I show potential clients my presentation which demonstrates my abilities and receive such positive feedback in return! Pride! My investment in the course truly paid off!
I recommend it for anyone who wants to improve their photos for business, private or professional purposes.

It was important for me to learn the basics of how to take pictures with a professional camera as simply as possible – bottom line, for it to be as understandable to me as possible. It was important to me, not just for my hobby but as a blogger at the start of her career, so that I would have quality content that would be fun to look at and that would provide, among other things, inspiration.
Before I signed up for the course I was a little nervous because I didn’t know how comprehensive it would be, and whether it would address all my needs, so I was concerned the financial investment wouldn’t pay off. Much to my satisfaction, all my concerns disappeared the moment I entered the course. I feel I learned the most professional way to take and edit pictures myself, and as a result, I can now create any kind of visual content I desire on my own.
I don’t need external professionals anymore, which is highly significant to me, not just financially but in terms of my time constraints, and in general it’s more convenient and efficient from my point of view. Also, my confidence in my outputs has risen, as they are now more professional, and I feel much more comfortable publishing them.

I always felt my photos weren’t good enough and accordingly felt self-confident about them. As someone who has taken and edited pictures for 8 years, I learned a lot from the course, suddenly understanding that I didn’t need to “bust my brains” to get an aesthetic, sharp, and excellently-edited picture.
After the course, I learned to use my camera a little differently, more easily. The chapters on styling and Lightroom really completed the whole picture for me when it comes to photography and editing. The styling in the photos is what makes them so precise and aesthetic, and the Lightroom chapter showed me exactly how to use each thing.
Even though I was already using Lightroom, I didn’t know how to create the perfect picture and build a consistent editing style across a series of photos. To this day, I am thrilled with the knowledge I accumulated.

Well, I’m so glad you asked! The Blogger’s Photobooth is composed of 7 chapters of written guides, 27 video guide (with optional subtitles), checklists, exams and worksheets, and helpful cliff notes!
In the first part of the course, you will learn all the techniques and tips that I have learned over the years from working in photography for brands in Israel and around the world and for my brand as well.
The content and tools I teach will significantly reduce your learning curve and make your entire photography experience much more enjoyable and satisfying.
What will you learn in the photography module?
- Chapter 1 – The Basics of Photography – What Camera Do You Need, Basic settings, Working Modes, and More.
- Chapter 2 – Focus – Aperture, depth of field, focus points and more.
- Chapter 3 – Motion Photography – What is a shutter, smearing motion, freezing motion.
- Chapter 4 – Lighting – Light Meter, ISO, Histogram and more.
- Chapter 5 – Angles and composition photography – types of compositions, photo angles, winning methods for composition photography and more.
- Chapter 6 – Styling – Colors, Accessories, Wallpapers and More.
- Chapter 7 – Genre Photography – People Photography, Self-Portrait, Lifestyle, Food, and More
In the second part of the course you will learn everything you dreamed about working correctly in the Lightroom editing software. From importing and sorting images into the software, through building custom Presets that match your brand's colors to the perfect image export!
- Chapter 1 – Getting to Know Lightroom – Getting to Know the Software Interface.
- Chapter 2 – Library – Organizing and arranging files in software.
- Chapter 3 – Develop – The variety of panels for editing photos, shades, colors, lens correction and more.
- Chapter 4 – Presets and Shortcuts – How to Create Preset, How to Install Prests and How to Optimize Work with Them
- Chapter 5 – Editing Genres – Different Editions for Different Genres, Black and White Work, and Low Lighting.
- Chapter 6 – Keeping order – why it is so important to keep order, tools and tips for keeping order in the software.

Learn the basic and most important things you need to know about the basics of photography and also how to use essential tools that will assure your photos are shot in the best possible way.

Get to know different angles and the winning methods to creating perfect compositions that will upgrade your photos to a whole new level!

Learn my styling secrets and all the tools I use to make my images look super aesthetic.

Study genres in photography – portraiture, self-portrait, lifestyle & food, travel & landscape, interiors, and more.
Techniques and tips found in part one are things I’ve learned from experience of more than three years working in the field, so the content and tools you learn in this part will significantly reduce your learning curve and enhance your entire photography experience into a more satisfying one.
The additional final touch, editing your images on Lightroom

Learn how to import your images and keep things organized.
Learn to edit your photos according to your brand’s color palette, to grant your Instagram feed a cohesive, holistic look, that perfectly aligns with your brand’s look and feel.
Get to know Lightroom’s interface.
Learn A-L-L you need to know about editing your photos including the software’s greatest features – presets and other shortcuts.
Once you sign up for the course you will get instant access (with no expiration date!) for all of the course materials. So even if you are currently too busy to commit to learning a new course, worry not! You can join the course now and start studying at your own pace – even if it only happens in two months or later on.
You’re busy, that’s clear. You either manage a blog or business and have thousands of tasks and errands to mark off your to do list every day (and let’s not get started on your personal life…) but you understand the significance of amazing images for the promotion of your business or blog, and you’re no longer willing to compromise!
This is why I decided to make the knowledge I have accumulated accessible in the form of an online course. So that anyone, from anywhere in the world, can study the contents of the course. The lessons can be learned at your convenience, whether you decide to spend 15 minutes every day, or binge-study.
The Blogger’s Photobooth is an online “members only” digital course. Every student receives a personal password to access the course and its content. The course was written, photographed, and edited at the utmost professional level to ensure that the learning process is as interesting and satisfying as its result, and is structured in a pleasant way that my knowledge, tips, techniques and secrets can be acquired through a comfortable and fun experience!
The Blogger’s Photobooth is more than just an online course, it represents an entire community structured on creativity and ambition, a community of people, entrepreneurs willing to invest themselves to become the best version of themselves. As a student of The Blogger’s Photobooth you get exclusive access to the facebook group.
This unique group will contribute to the improvement of your photography skills and help you connect with other students. The group serves as a platform for raising questions, learn from others, get feedback on your own progress, and contribute to the community by sharing your knowledge. And of course, group admins including me will check in from time to time to make sure your questions get answers!
You want your partner to take photos of you for your blog/Instagram/business – but every time you ask, it blows up into a fight? You have no idea how deeply I understand! At first, shooting with Daniel, my “Instagram Husband” was not at all ‘picture perfect’… but look at us now! 🙂 IIn recent years, Daniel and I have gained quite a bit of experience in the field of collaborative photography and have created a winning formula that ensures that we will both be happy after the shoot. In this bonus, which is composed of two parts, His and Hers – Daniel and I tell all – and share our tips and techniques for friction-free photoshoots.
Having a unique photo style is your ex-factor. It distinguishes between anyone with a camera and a photographer. However, since we spend a lot of time as a consumer of content, and often compare the content we create to that of others, we remain constantly on the passive side of the viewer and take no action. For this reason, exactly, finding your unique signature style could be challenging. We are constantly surrounded by inspiration, but we often find ourselves creating the same content as everyone instead of producing our very own original content. The Unique Photography Style Guide will lead you step by step to find your unique way to take and edit your photos so that your work is different and stands out in the content flow on the web.
Chase Jarvis, a renowned American photographer and entrepreneur, once said “the best camera is the one you have on you.” The camera that excels at this important criterion, especially at a time when we want to document pretty much everything that is going on in our lives, is of course the one in your smartphone! This two-part bonus chapter teaches you how to get the most out of your smartphone by getting to know its Lightroom for mobile interface. In the first part you’ll get to know the app’s user-friendly interface and learn how to photograph manually. In the second part you’ll learn to implement what you have learned about photo-editing in Lightroom – on your mobile app! – so you can create amazing visuals even when you’re away from your computer.
There are so many cameras and lenses in the market…. How can you be sure which one is for you? And what lenses would be most useful? This is exactly why I threw in this bonus chapter to the course. It provides eye-level explanations of the differences between the various cameras and lenses, so that you buy nothing other than the right equipment that best suits your needs and budget. This two-part bonus chapter includes detailed explanations of the differences between the cameras and lenses, expands on the main criteria you should check before buying, and important tips on how to buy second hand equipment, that will save you time and trouble.
There is nothing that can ruin a photoshoot more than arriving on set ill-prepared. The smallest things you forget to bring with you can get take the wind out of the sails, make you impatient and discouraged, and as a result – your photos might turn out a lot like your day. Which is why I decided to add this bonus checklist for a photoshoot. Over the past year, since I started working with this personal checklist, work has become a lot more organized and a lot less stressed. Everytime I shoot, whether it’s for a client or for my own blog posts, I print a copy of this checklist and take it along to ensure that everything is well and ready for the photoshoot. The template includes a list of things I think you need to make sure to do and bring before and during the shoot, as well as blank lines so you can add the things that matter to you.
I'm so confident in this course, and I know it will help you a lot! I’ve learned from experience of more than three years working in the field, so the content and tools you learn in this part will significantly reduce your learning curve and enhance your entire photography experience into a more satisfying one.
If you complete the course, apply my techniques and homework, and don’t see results – you can send me an email within 30 days of purchase to receive a full refund as per the policy.
The creator of the course, Tamar Leibovitz Golan, blogger Hedonistit, photographer and content creator, specializing in blogging and social networks, and administrator of “The Blogging Babes – Israeli Blogger Community” on Facebook.
Click the sign up button, complete the purchase of the course, and within a few minutes you will receive your username and password for the course site.
Once you sign up for the course you will get instant access (with no expiration date!) for all of the course materials, updates, and exclusive facebook group. So even if you are too busy to commit to learning a new course, worry not! You can join the course now and start studying at your own pace – even if it only happens in two months or later on – you may begin whenever you want.
The Blogger's Photobooth course is neatly structured and easy to understand. If you still come across something you don't understand, don't worry – as a student of the course you will have access to a private Facebook group where you can get help and advice when you need it 🙂
Absolutely not, for two reasons:
1. I teach all of my tips, techniques, and secrets I use for shooting and photo-editing. Although the course also includes basic material on photography, (can’t advance without it) this course is my “baby” and I’ve shared all of my professional secrets in it. There is no way you can access that material anywhere else 🙂
2. Think of all the time you waste endlessly searching the web and applying random techniques and strategies, detached from one another! You can spend the same amount of time investing in true study of the full program of essential tools you can start applying now. The Blogger’s Photobooth is a step by step guide to achieving amazing results and that’ll get you to where you dream of being.
Definitely! If you complete the course, apply my techniques and homework, and don’t see results – you can send me an email within 30 days of purchase to receive a full refund. I'm so confident in this course, and I know it will help you a lot! I’ve learned from experience of more than three years working in the field, so the content and tools you learn in this part will significantly reduce your learning curve and enhance your entire photography experience into a more satisfying one.
Absolutely. The Blogger’s Photobooth teaches the process of creating amazing visual content from start to finish. As you know, I have been a blogger and creator of content for various brands in Israel and abroad for over three years, and I have vast experience creating aesthetic visual content that leads to interest in your brand and draws people to eventually become clients. I can assure you there is no course like this one in the market, that is aimed at bloggers and small busines owners, and emphasizes how to create trendy content in line with social media. Bottom line – if you’re ready and willing to invest in producing beautiful, high quality visual content, this course is worth every penny!
The Blogger’s Photobooth is the place to begin! Many photographers spend their weeks, months and even years attempting at what ends up as failed photo shoots. Many times, they don’t realize that the problem is in their lack of knowledge, and think that if they buy an expensive and sophisticated camera, they will finally be able to take professional photos {spoiler: that is not true. You can also take pictures with a basic, inexpensive camera}. By adhering to the course’s curriculum, which builds a foundation in the most orderly and efficient way possible, you are expected to improve your photography skills faster and in a more professional way than if you completed the learning process any other way.
No, if you don’t already have access to the software, you will have to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. The subscription, which includes the two favorite programs of photographers worldwide, Photoshop and Lightroom, costs 9.90$ a month and includes the updates and updated versions.
If you’re into photography and want to improve your images style, the answer is definitely! The course will provide tools to make your personal photos of traveling, eating, and your family, worth printing and keeping in a physical photo album. And who knows, you might want to change your profession at the end of the course 😉
The course is for anyone who wants to create high-level visual content, whether you’re using a professional camera or a smartphone (there is a whole bonus section where I explain how to apply all the material using a smartphone!) Of course, a professional camera will produce better results, but today you can get amazing results on your smartphone too! I recommend reading through the full curriculum before signing up – where you will find that much of the course is about photography, styling and editing that do not depend on a professional camera. I also teach how to photograph manually using a smartphone, so I'm sure you will learn a lot in the course even if you are not interested in buying a professional camera right now.
I'm pleased to say Yes! The course consists of written guides and video lessons * with subtitles *. It was very important for me to make the course accessible to the general population, so I worked hard to add subtitles to all the video lessons in the course.
OOPS… the doors are closed for now.
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