I'm a blogger, photographer, and content creator for various brands worldwide. Thanks to the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years as an entrepreneur, blogger, and content creator, I built up my business in a way that allows me to live the life I always wanted for myself. Turning my personal passion and hobby into a full-time job is a dream come true for me, and now I'd like to help you on your journey to realizing your dream. Read on to find out more.
Some say it is impossible to mix business and pleasure –
I'm here to prove otherwise
1. The pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.
2. The ethical theory that pleasure {in the sense of the satisfaction of desires} is the highest good and proper aim of human life.

Hedonistit is a personal blog and an online information resource and inspiration for women, providing hundreds of thousands of women around the world with a daily dose of inspiration and guidance.
Hedonistit blog was launched in 2015 as a community for young women with a burning passion for everything related to lifestyle and living the good life. The blog quickly generated a growing community of ambitious women from all over the world who want to take their lives in their own hands and live them in the fullest possible way.
Hedonistit is actually my alter ego, which allows me to present and externalize my hedonistic side, the one that sanctifies all pleasures of life and isn’t ashamed to admit it… After all, you only live once, right?
My ambition is that Hedonistit will inspire other women and will make them achieve their self-fulfillment while celebrating the smallest and greatest things in life.
Hedonistit blog is a living example of how business & pleasure can go hand in hand, if you only know how to do it right.
My goal is to give you all the tools to turn your passion and love for lifestyle into a job that you'll enjoy waking up to every morning {and have a hard time leaving in the evening!}.
So what can you find on the blog? Along with travel guides and reviews on the most luxurious hotels, mouthwatering foods, the unmissable beauty products and endless things that will make you a perfect hedonist {AKA the “pleasure”}, I also share the knowledge I have gained over the years as an entrepreneur, blogger and content creator {AKA the “business”}.
If you love lifestyle and want to build a life full of satisfaction, fulfillment and pleasure – you'll feel right at home here!

So how did it all start?
I started the Hedonistit blog in 2015,
during one of the most difficult periods of my life.
It happened more or less about a year after I left my hometown to move in with Daniel {who was then my boyfriend and now my husband} in the most isolated city in Israel – Eilat.
I arrived in Eilat with a BA in Business Administration and Communications from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and I was sure that it wouldn’t be long before I found a job in the city.
To make a long story short, it didn’t happen.
And not only did it not happen, without a choice, during that year, I switched jobs five times and I went to dozens of job interviews. Each of the jobs I started in the city would make me come home at the end of the day drained of energy, with the feeling that most people must be familiar with – “I hate my job!”.
This was the worst year of my life – I couldn’t find myself, I felt like I wasn’t taking advantage of my potential and I was literally stuck at the end of the world without family or friends. In one word you could say I felt trapped. I didn’t know what the future was for me, and the fear of being stuck in a job that made me feel wasted simply paralyzed me.
I asked myself where I wanted to be in five or six years and it was clear to me that I had to act differently from the norm in order to achieve the lifestyle I wanted – to achieve financial independence, to work from anywhere I wanted, to travel the world and most importantly – not to wait all week for the weekend, and then get the Monday blues when the weekend is over.
The bottom line – I wanted to do something I love and make a job out of it. And you know what? Thanks to my blog I realized that it was entirely possible.
Today, after 5 years of relocation in Eilat, I moved to Tel Aviv and I wake up every day to my dream job and to a life full of satisfaction.
Yes, butterflies and ladybugs too.
So how do I combine business and pleasure?
Thanks to my work as a blogger and content creator, I’ve been traveling around the world a lot in recent years, staying in luxury hotels, experiencing a variety of international lifestyle brands products and participating in interesting productions. In addition, I started advising young businesses and entrepreneurs about blogging and new media, and even established a community of Israeli bloggers and launched 4 free + 1 premium digital courses for the community to enjoy!
Turning my passion and personal hobby into a full-time job is already a dream come true for me. With over 4 years of experience as a blogger and content creator, I have had the honor of collaborating with brands such as:

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