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Chocolate And Candy Covered Pretzels

Two weeks ago, I was on the phone with Orit, my best friend, and she asked what my plans are for Purim.

She caught me unready – how didn’t I notice that Purim is right around the corner? Believe me, I’m starting to understand what adults mean when they say that time flies… it’s crazy!

Tell me, could it be that this feeling means that I’m officially an adult? How the hell did this happen?

Now you may be thinking “Tamar, it’s only Purim, what’s the big deal?”, but Orit, as someone who knows me from around the age of 6, can understand the magnitude of the shock. After all, Purim is MY holiday. It’s the only holiday I wait for all year, every year, until just recently…

The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!

I feel kinda bad saying this, but let’s be honest, most of the other Jewish holidays are far less attractive than the Christian holidays. Just for the comparison – take Hanukkah vs. Christmas or Passover compared to Easter – it somehow happened that our holidays, how should I say it, aren’t the most photogenic compared to the parallel Christian holidays…

But Purim is different.

Purim has all the cards to make it the best and most festive Jewish holiday – the decorations, costumes, and of course, the Mishloach Manot (Purim sweet packages)!

The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home! The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home! The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!

I suddenly felt nostalgic… How I always planned my costumes six months in advance {and how I would change my mind about a billion times during this period}, the quality time I spent with my mother buying candy and other littles things to make the Mishloach Manot, and the anticipation of the moment we traded these packages in class {including the fear of receiving a lame package someone bought ready-made from the supermarket}.

A lot has changed since those days when I celebrated Purim at school – if you've decided to put effort into a costume, most of us skip walking around hunting for the perfect disguise {why buy the expensive costumes they sell in the country, when you can order directly from China?}, the rattles and simple, beautiful masks have been replaced with ones that are more expensive {and often not as nice, if you ask me} and like a lot of things that lost their innocence over the years, the Mishloach Manot gradually became a showcase sponsored by “Super Moms” 🙂

As of writing these lines, I still don’t have a clue how I’m going to celebrate Purim this year, but what’s certain is that I’m not willing to skip making a small amazing Mishloach Manot.

Whether you’re planning on making Mishloach Manot for family and friends {you’re amazing for the effort!}, or if you just want to treat yourself to a small and fun Mishloach Manot – why not make these chocolatey pretzels, that combine the exact amount of sweetness and saltiness, and will make your Mishloach Manot much cooler than anything you can buy at the supermarket?

The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home! The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home! The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!

◄◄ Chocolate And Candy Covered Pretzels ►►

Preparation Time : 30 minutes {+30 minutes refrigerating}

Quantity : 6 big pretzels + 30 long ones

Ingredients :

  • 1 package of big pretzels {can be small pretzels, too}
  • 1 package of long stick pretzels with sesame
  • 100 grams of chocolate chips or chopped up bars of bitter-sweet chocolate {for the vegan/pareve options}/ milk chocolate
  • Colorful sprinkles and candies to decorate
  • To mix it up – you can decorate with coconut flakes/ nuts/ pistachios/ broken cookies etc.

Instructions :

1. Melt the chocolate you chose in a bain-marie or microwave {pulses of 20 seconds at a time} and stir the mixture until it’s even and smooth.

2. Dip each pretzel halfway into the chocolate, shake it to get rid of extras and place it on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

3. Decorate generously with candies {sprinkle from above – do not dip the melted chocolate into straight into the sprinkles!}.

4. Cool the pretzels at room temperature or in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens.

Enjoyed the recipe? Share it on Facebook and save it on Pinterest, and of course add the hashtag #Hedonistit if you upload it on Instagram


The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home! The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home! The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!



The best party snack and holiday gift! Chocolate covered pretzels recipe - so easy to make at home!

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