When I think about the summer, or more precisely about summer vacations and pool parties, this is the picture that comes to my mind – the sky is blue, the sun is shining and I'm sitting by the pool in a bikini with a summery cocktail in my hand.
There's no point in denying it – cocktails are totally my guilty pleasure 🙂
Before our last trip to Crete, I got a very interesting offer from the JR DUTY FREE alcohol department – to make 2 easy recipes for cocktails that will be so good, we won't want to stop sipping them all summer long. I didn't think twice, and I accepted the challenge – after all, easy recipes are exactly what I like to make and share here on the blog, and it's been a while since I last shared a quick and easy cocktail recipe with you.
Early in the morning, just before our flight, we walked around the Duty-Free to choose the ingredients for my new cocktails. My plan was to go for special alcoholic drinks, which would set the tone for the cocktail and make it delicious and easy to prepare without playing games.
Two steps into the Duty-Free, I caught sight of stands that promoted new drinks – Revel Stoke, a Canadian whiskey in different flavors, and Vine Smoothie, a Dutch fruity liquor based on wine. Whiskey, honestly, was never my cup of tea, but I decided to give it a chance because of the taste twist, which I believed would blend well in a cocktail.
The whiskey comes in five flavors : apple, pineapple, pecan, maple and honey, and the taste? It's actually surprising how tasty it is. I especially liked the last three flavors and decided to take the honey flavored whiskey since I had already started thinking of a recipe that suited its tastes… The second drink, the Vine Smoothie, I knew I was going to take already at first sight – after all, I love smoothies and I love wine, what could go wrong? 😉
Now there was only one question left – which flavor to choose – strawberry, berries, pineapple – coconut and peach. They were all tasty but I ended up deciding to go with the peach. By the way, this delicious liqueur is made from French chardonnay, Dutch cream and natural fruit and is gluten-free, so you can drink it without too much guilt 😉
Equipped with two new bottles, a cocktail shaker in my suitcase and ideas for cocktails in my head, I boarded the flight to Crete and couldn't wait for the moment when I would put my holiday uniform on and try out my new cocktails 🙂
And here are the results… 😉
{Don't worry – I haven't forgotten the recipes! They're both here at the bottom}
Swimwear // Raya Abelis Swimwear
Hat // Stradivarius
Sunglasses // Pull and Bear
Earings // Urbanica
All of the photos were taken at The Blue Palace Resort & Spa
And now, for the recipes! 🙂
◄◄ Mint and Honey Scotch Mojito ►►
Whoever said whiskey's just a winter drink was wrong, BIG TIME! 🙂
This cocktail, which combines the summery mojito with honey-flavored whiskey, is the perfect way to add a twist to the classic and beloved drink.
Preparation Time – 5 minutes
Quantity – 2 cocktails
Ingredients –
- 1.5 servings of honey-flavored Revel Stoke
- 1.5 servings of ginger ale / soda
- 20 mint leaves washed
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- Lime / half lemon, sliced
- Ice
Instructions –
1. In the cocktail shaker, place half of the lime / lemon slices, half of the mint leaves, the sugar, the honey and the whiskey, and shake well.
2. Fill two cups halfway with ice cubes.
3. Pour the cocktail from the shaker to the cups, end with the ginger ale / soda and stir well.
4. Add the rest of the mint leaves and the lemon / lime slices for decoration.
◄◄ Alcoholic Smoothie ►►
If you like smoothies and blended drinks – you're going to get addicted to this cocktail!
It's creamy, sweet and the easiest to make in the world 🙂
Preparation Time – 2 minutes
Quantity – 2 cocktails
Ingredients –
- 400 ml Vine Smoothie Peach Flavored Liqueur
- Ice
Instructions – You can make this cocktail in two ways :
1. If you have a blender – mix the ice and the liqueur in the blender and serve in two glasses.
2. If you don't have a blender – fill each glass with crushed ice, add the liqueur and stir.
Which cocktail do you like drinking most during the summer? And which of these cocktails here are you going to try at home {or on your next vacation 😉 }?
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The post was written in cooperation with JR DUTY FREE